Dynamic routes
They allow to receive data and change their path name depending on their configuration. They can be accessed from any part of the app.
You can use a dynamic route using the method addRoute()
of your router instance. To know more about the addRoute
method you can read API/addRoute.
Code example
For this example we will add a new route in /books/history
to show all history books, but if we want know what is the specific book we pass a idBook
at the end of the route, like this /books/history/:idBook
import Router from "yourrouter";
const router = Router.get();
// static route
router.addRoute("/books/history", () => {
console.log("You are in the history category!");
// add the route /books/history/:idBook
// The: idBook is the id to know which book the user wants to access.
router.addRoute("/books/history/:idBook", () => {
console.log("You are in the detail of a book in the history category!");
const param = router.getRouteParam(); // returns value of :idBook
console.log("The route param is: ", param);